Reader 4.3.24
- Stability improvements
Reader 4.3.23
- Stability improvements
Reader 4.3.22 – First full release of 4.3+
- Fixed issues unzipping (voices and documents) and some button rendering issues on older devices.
Reader 4.3.21
- Fixed a crash importing larger text blobs
Reader 4.320
- Fixed an issue with the reading screen not being recreated correctly from the notifications
- Added accessibility actions.
- Stability improvements.
Reader 4.3.17-4.3.19 – internal
Reader 4.3.16
- Cleaned up issues with missing translation, right-to-left support, and locale switching.
- Stability improvements.
- Fixed issues in the playlist going to the wrong place in the new document.
Reader 4.3.15
- New importer, now handles a number of edges we didn’t handle before.
- Create metadata for PDFs that lack it (thanks to the new importer)
- Fixed an issue in search in document that missed some matches
Reader 4.3.14 – internal
Reader 4.3.13
- Fixed a crash in the Visual Settings for PDF files.
- Fixed various small bugs.
Reader 4.3.12
- Fixed a crash in the Visual Settings for PDF files.
- Fixed various small bugs.
- Fixed several errors when import documents
- Handling finding the metadata and covers much better
- Document Details with options to edit title, author, and ISBN, the ability use a local photo as the cover, and grab covers from google books.
- Fixes to the internal browser.
- Fixed crashes on some older devices.
Reader 4.3.10-4.3.11 – internal
Reader 4.3.9
- Handling finding the metadata and covers much better
- Fixed an issue with the current item not updating on audio books.
- Added a cover view for audiobooks.
- Fixed an issue with pause on audiobooks.
Reader 4.3.8 – internal
Reader 4.3.7
- Fixed a crash when looking for Google Voices when the engine is missing.
- Fixed some issues with Manage My Voices losing its settings during restore.
- Fixed some issues on older devices.
- Fixed some issues in read certain Daisy2 files.
Reader 4.3.5-4.3.6 – internal
Reader 4.3.4
- Fixed a crash when looking for Google Voices when the engine is missing.
- Fixed some issues with Manage My Voices losing its settings during restore.
Reader 4.3.1-4.3.3- internal
Reader 4.3.0
Major changes:
- Significant rework of the text selection code (PDF version still needs improvement)
- Navigation rails moved to the right side of wide views
- Fixed issues with sticky header for voice lists
- Rewind option added to beginning of sentence
- TTS document and audio document speeds made independent
- Document filter remembers previous settings
- Folder filter reworked to allow filtering by document source
- Cleaned up Chapter, Bookmark, and Highlights views as well as Audio document view
- Fixed scrolling issues and controls getting out of sync
- Adjusted bookmark and notes icons to show on current spoken line
- Disabled irrelevant options
- Wide mode improvements (side by side lists/details)
- Playlist and timed play clean up
- Bookshare clean up, fix for individual logins
- Pocket login still broken on Chromebooks
- Language selector now only shows available language for voices
- New options for read position seeker behavior
- Updates for Android 13 and 14
- Adherence to new Splash screen requirements
Accessibility improvements:
- Bulk operations disabled on Document List for screen reader users
- Full screen mode disabled for screen reader users
- Fixed issues with TalkBack seeing controls from previous screen
- Show empty message on most lists
- UI translated into multiple new languages
- Improved contrast in themes
Known issues:
- PDF view needs major work
- Pocket is broken on Chromebook
- Pocket, Bookshare, Instapaper error handling needs improvement, especially for expired logins.
- The play button become unresponsive rarely, efforts to debug this are slow due to the difficulties in reproducing it.